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☰ War of 1812


Involved Nations

American Colonies Vs. Great Britain

Start of the War

British is fighting with France, under Napoleon's control. To weaken France, British hopes to cut off supplies from going into France. This results having US supplies go through Britain first. US reponded with the Macon's Bill, whereas US would only trade with neutral countries.

In America, Britain is supporting Indian resistance, this eventually cause US to demand war. Henry Clay was the leader of "War Hawks." He believes that inorder to become a fully independent nation, US should resist British policies by joining war.

Major Battles

Battle of lake Erie

1. Oliver Hazard Perry was the military commander

2. Fought on lake Erie

3. It was the first time in history that a British Naval Squadron was defeated

4. U.S. won the battle

Perry: "If a victory is to be gained, I will gain it".

Battle of New Orleans

1. Led by Andrew Jackson

Fun Fact: Andrew Jackson is the only president (Presidency: 1829-1837) who fought in both the Revolutionary War and War of 1812.

2. Fought in 1815 after the Treaty of Ghent was signed (The Treaty did mention about the continuation of hstility until both side ratifies, which is on February of 1815)

4. Last battle of the War. US Won.


1.Treaty of Ghent (negocistors gathered in Ghent (what is now Belgium)

-Ends war of 1812

- Neither side won or lost

- War allowed manufacturing to flourish leading to the beginning of industrial revolution

2. Canadian border remains unchanged

3. The victory of the battle of New Orleans and the fact that US fought against Great Britain makes American feel that the war is a success (Can be consider the Second War of Independance)

The Battle of Baltimore inspired the “Star Spangled banners”